Tag Archive for: Measure customer experience
‘This holiday season, have you walked away from a customer experience and said, “Wow, that was amazing”?’ BARE shares an article by Christine M. Riordan, the dean and a professor of management at the Daniels College of Business, University of Denver, for Forbes on Give the Holiday Gift of a Remarkable Customer Experience.
‘The holiday rush can be hectic and frustrating. Even during the busiest times of the year for retailers, however, exceptional customer service is the best way to win and retain the hearts of customers. Many organizations tout exceptional customer service as part of their competitive advantage, but few actually succeed in making it so.
What makes the difference?
‘America’s big ‘holiday’ is right around the corner: Black Friday! For many Americans, Black Friday represents savings galore, for others, it’s a day to frantically avoid. Whether you are a fan of Black Friday or not, these facts may surprise you!’ BARE shares some interesting Black Friday Facts compiled by Farm Bureau Financial Services*. Read more
‘Many retailers this year are anticipating Black Friday — but it’s different than in the past.’ BARE shares an article by Blake Morgan for Forbes on Four Tips For A Powerful Black Friday Customer Experience.
‘Some customers will be splitting their time and money between Black Friday, November 25 and Cyber Monday, November 28 — the day where websites like Zappos and Amazon bring customers the best deals of the year. While many customers anticipate some pandemonium at the in-store experience, it’s important that although it’s a stressful day, you have a strategy to keep everything running smoothly.
We don’t know them all, but we owe them all.
This year, BARE honors our Veterans (today, and every day) by partnering with ‘Veterans Moving Forward, Inc.’ – a nonprofit organization that raises and provides service dogs for veterans, with physical and/or mental health challenges, at no cost to the veteran.
‘Personalized content can now be delivered through whichever touch point the customer prefers.’ BARE shares an article by Dale Renner for Forbes on Transforming the Customer Experience: Personalization.
‘Though the technology has advanced leaps and bounds — even in just the past few years — companies have only begun to crack the surface of personalization capabilities.