Tag Archive for: Bare International Customer Service

Customers know that when they’re purchasing a product or service, they’re also purchasing an experience. At least, that’s what the new expectation is. Here, BARE International shares an article by Danielle Paquette for The Washington Post: How do you know the economy is great? Customer service is terrible.

‘For evidence that it’s tough to find good help these days in a tight U.S. job market, try ordering a chicken sandwich.

That’s according to Marcus Boyd, 40, a Maryland resident who sought one recently at a Bethesda chicken joint. He recalls waiting for the cashier to correct a flubbed order, straining to make eye contact. Ten minutes passed. No food or refund came.  Read more

As bots and AI continue to enhance and become, well, “human”, more and more companies continue to invest in AI rather than people. But at what point does the customer care, or outright prefer, a human connection? Here, BARE International shares an article by Forrester for Forbes on how Customer Experience Index Reveals Brands Lack Human Connection. ‘CX is lagging, creating financial risk. Download Forrester’s complimentary guide to understand why customer loyalty is eroding.

Forrester’s 2018 Customer Experience Index (CX Index™) results continue to show that companies are struggling to create and sustain a human connection with their customers. This is not a question of delighting customers as an endgame or some fluffy sense of emotional attachment; this is a crass and clear story of financial risk.

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BARE wishes a safe and happy Labor Day to all, and recognizes those who spend their days working to make America, and the world, a better place.

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It’s not just ‘back to school’ for kids; businesses all over the world are spending their time looking for more ways to grow customer loyalty. ‘Longevity’ is no longer synonymous with ‘guaranteed business’. What worked fifty, twenty, or even just a year ago are, well, “so last year.” Here, BARE International shares an article by Zeynep Ilgaz for Entrepreneur on how Old-School Industries Require New-School Customer Experience.

‘Millennials are slowly but surely becoming the coveted buyers of not only B2C, but also B2B products and services. According to Accenture, millennials spend roughly $600 billion per year, and Pew Research Center tells us that this age group now makes up the bulk of the U.S. workforce. With this in mind, be advised that it would be a big mistake for your or any other brand to not adapt to millennials’ behaviors and preferred experiences.

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Experience is quickly becoming king in differentiating between like-minded businesses and industries. Competition is everywhere, and everyone is striving to provide the ‘best’ experience for their customers. So how do you set yourself apart? Here, BARE International shares an article by Dan Gingiss for Forbes on Why Your Competition For Customer Experience Is Amazon And Everyone Else.

‘Do you know who your competition really is?

In the old days, your customers used to compare you to the local competition – the grocery store down the street or the “other” plumber in town. Then over time, they started to compare you to online companies. Today, your customers compare you to every customer experience they have with every other brand. The competition isn’t just your direct competitors, although they’re still there of course. It’s grown to include all of the customer experiences your customer has every day.

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Real-Time Analytics: The Key To Unlocking Customer Insights & Driving The Customer Experience finds that customer analytics are essential for improving customer experiences across all marketing, selling and service channels an enterprise relies on.’ Here, BARE International shares an article by Louis Columbus for Forbes on How to Improve Customer Experiences with Real-Time Analytics.

‘Fascinating insights are from a new study conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services in conjunction with SASIntel and Accenture Applied Intelligence. The study is a quick, insightful read of 16 pages that combines survey findings and enterprises’ marketing results. The methodology is based on interviews with more than 560 business leaders drawn from the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council and the Harvard Business Review audience of readers in February and March 2018.

“The expectation of consumers today is that everything exists in the world of the now and that their interactions will be personalized,” says Jeff Jacobs

The study finds that banking, retail, and telecommunications have the greatest upside growth potential from adopting customer analytics. The following are the ways enterprises are using real-time customer analytics to improve revenue:

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