Use your competitors to your advantage.
Remain competitive by collecting and tracking the most up-to-date data. BARE’s field force will gather data using quick onsite surveys. Data Collections may be gathered via hi-res photos and/or text-based surveys. Popular Data Collections include:
Competitor Analysis
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of competitors using real-time data.
Pricing Collections and Audits
Ensure management and/or franchise owners and their teams are providing correct pricing, and to discover any inconsistent or irregular pricing strategies.
Mergers & Acquisition Analysis
Prior to initiating M&A, collect the data and analysis that determines the worth of the brand you’re interested in.
Schedule A Consultation For Your Business
You can and should, see your business through your customers’ eyes. BARE’s customer experience research can provide you with critical data to make meaningful business decisions.
*Restrictions and Limitations apply.
“BARE worked with us to generate a completely customized shop, and they have done a great job of training their team of shoppers on exactly what our standards are. The level of detail we get from the shoppers’ written comments in addition to the numeric scoring has really helped us focus on specific areas that needed our attention.”
Chris Verdecchia
Director of Operations
Glory Days Grill
Keep Up With BARE.
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in the BARE network