Entries by onimod

Four Ways AI Improves the Customer Experience in Retail

Even in times where traditional brick and mortar shops are facing increasing competition from online shops,  the real-world shopping experience is still relevant. Artificial intelligence (AI) is now being used to chart a customer experience journey that fits the demanding expectations of retail consumers. 

The True Value of Customer Experience Research

The race to own customer experience is on! Customer experience research (CXR) is the process of collecting data regarding the experience customers have with a company. As straightforward as it may sound, CXR is a complex equation that goes as deep as the data will allow.

Four Ways to Prevent Costly Customer Churn

Bad customer service is costing businesses BILLIONS. $537 billion to be precise, according to Vision Critical. With today’s technology when a bad interaction is shared in an instant, businesses cannot afford a negative customer experience.

Independent Contractor Support for BARE International Evaluators

To become an evaluator, you must be 21 years of age or older in the United States, or 18 years of age or older outside of the United States. You must also have established yourself as independent contractor. Here’s why being certified will help you make the most of your self-employment as a Mystery Evaluator.


Wellness & Hospitality. Where Next?

Health and wellness is a hot topic in hospitality right now. Because wellness innovation in hospitality is seemly just starting out, there’s so much more science, integration, and bold new ideas yet to surface.