Entries by Kristen

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BARE Cares: 5 Ways to Support Our Veterans

We don’t know them all, but we owe them all. This year, BARE honors our Veterans (today, and every day) by partnering with ‘Veterans Moving Forward, Inc.’ – a nonprofit organization that raises and provides service dogs for veterans, with physical and/or mental health challenges, at no cost to the veteran.


BARE Shares – Transforming The Customer Experience: Personalization

‘Personalized content can now be delivered through whichever touch point the customer prefers.’ BARE shares an article by Dale Renner for Forbes on Transforming the Customer Experience: Personalization. ‘Though the technology has advanced leaps and bounds — even in just the past few years — companies have only begun to crack the surface of personalization […]


BARE Shares – The New Manager: How Organizations Can Thrive In The Experience Economy

‘In today’s fast-paced, competitive world, corporate managers are increasingly realizing that working in silos seriously impedes innovation.’ BARE shares an article by Brad Murphy for Forbes on The New Manager: How Organizations Can Thrive In The Experience Economy. ‘Companies organized along traditional functional lines tend to be slow to change and inflexible, unable to respond to […]


BARE Shares – What Will Your Customer Experience?

Are you missing the most important question you can ask to retain your clients? BARE shares an article by Amie Devero for Forbes on What Will Your Customer Experience? ‘Businesses often make decisions based on a number of variables: “What is most profitable?” “How can we do it more efficiently?” “How do we sell more?” Tons of […]


BARE Shares – 32 Customer Experience Statistics You Need to Know

‘It seems that it was only yesterday that every business claimed the key to winning customers was in the quality of product or service they deliver. But, things have changed… In fact, all we hear these days is how important providing the best customer experience is.’ BARE shares an article by Toma Kulbytė for Super Office on 32 Customer […]