If you think ‘CXR’ is a buzzword or marketing trend, think again.
To become an evaluator, you must be 21 years of age or older in the United States, or 18 years of age or older outside of the United States. You must also have established yourself as independent contractor. Here’s why being certified will help you make the most of your self-employment as a Mystery Evaluator.
Ever wondered what you can do to improve your customers’ experience with your brand? Now is the time to create a customer experience (CX) strategy. Read more
Health and wellness is a hot topic in hospitality right now. Because wellness innovation in hospitality is seemly just starting out, there’s so much more science, integration, and bold new ideas yet to surface. Read more
Customer expectations have changed. Technology can help businesses in the hospitality industry stay ahead of the competition, save time and money, and increase client satisfaction. Read more
Are your customers happy? Mystery Shopping is a well-known method of customer research in effectively evaluating your customers’ experiences; pioneered by BARE International for over 30 years. When it comes to revealing the true nature of your business, sometimes you need more than just mystery shopping alone. Read more